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It starts with a game of strip poker but very quickly it becames a sex party ... It&39;s funny how everyone wants to lose that game!


These two young french boys are bored. There's nothing to do today. They have watched already all interesting movies in cinema, bars are too far away, netflix is boring. One of them says, let's fuck together! That's new!


These are first reunions, Louis and Naruto are already known but the likes of pronounced Louis will encourage Naruto to go further ...


Franky brings back this time, our friend craftsman for a plumbing problem. They know each other well because the first time he came for an electricity problem and the visit was very (very) good. As they know each other better, they will pass, at the entrance, the pleasure before the work ...


Maintenant, on a l'impression que la caméra est de trop (manque de mains pour la tenir !). Le caméraman y va de ses conseils et met évidemment la main à la pâte !


C'est une partie tournée par trois comparses : 1 actif, 2 passifs. En fonction de l'occupation de leurs mains ou de celle dont il font l'objet, ils prennent la caméra à tour de rôle....


On dit que le full contact est apparenté au kick-boxing. Dans notre cas, ça serait plutôt du "cock-boxing" non ?


Non, non, ce n'est pas de la boxe et même s'ils se donnent des coups, ce ne sont pas avec les poings et il n'y a pas de perdant : c'est du gagnant-gagnant !


These two cute french twinks really want to try sex in all kind of positions, one more difficult compared to other. Some gymnastics skills are mandatory. Happily, their dicks always find a way to go in their hungry holes, and even to kik in rock and roll way. These boys just love to explore their young bodies and all kind of gay pleasures.